Cavoodle Community Australia

Born from the pairing of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s regal grace and the Poodle’s keen intellect, the Cavoodle is more than just a furry companion; it’s one of the most desirable dog breeds in Australia. Understanding the growth patterns of this breed is not just a matter of curiosity but a journey into the heart of canine genetics and the nurturing of these delightful creatures. 

Even if you’ve had dogs before, if you’re looking to buy a Cavoodle you may be wondering how big Cavoodles grow. Due to the wide variety of Oodles out there, this is a totally valid concern. Apartment dwellers will have very different size requirements for their dog compared to people who have wide swathes of property. 

Cavoodle Genetics

At the core of the Cavoodle’s size and persona lies its genetic blueprint. A Cavoodle inherits its genes from two distinctly different yet equally fascinating breeds. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, with its storied history and endearing demeanour, contributes to the Cavoodle’s affable nature and physical elegance. On the other side of this genetic equation stands the Poodle, renowned for its intelligence and hypoallergenic coat, lending the Cavoodle its astuteness and unique fur characteristics.

This genetic interweaving results in a canine enigma. Cavoodles often exhibit a charming blend of both physical and temperamental traits from their parent breeds. However, it’s crucial to understand that this genetic lottery also brings variability. No two Cavoodles are identical, not just in appearance but in growth patterns and eventual size. This variability is not a drawback but rather a testament to the breed’s unique charm and individuality.

Cavoodle Growth Chart

Understanding a Cavoodle’s growth trajectory is akin to reading a map of developmental milestones. Generally, Cavoodles reach their full size by the age of 12 to 15 months. However, the journey to this point is sprinkled with rapid growth phases and slower, more nuanced developmental periods.

  • Puppyhood (0-3 months): This phase is marked by rapid growth. A typical Cavoodle puppy might weigh between 5 to 10 pounds, depending on the size of the Poodle parent (Toy or Miniature).
  • Adolescence (3-6 months): Growth continues but at a steadier pace. During this period, you can expect your Cavoodle to be about half its adult weight.
  • Young Adulthood (6-12 months): Here, growth slows down significantly. Your Cavoodle will start to fill out rather than grow taller, reaching closer to its adult weight and size.
  • Maturity (12-15 months): Most Cavoodles will have reached their full size, weighing anywhere between 9 to 25 pounds and standing about 9 to 14 inches tall at the shoulder, though this can vary.

Factors That Influence Cavoodle Size

While genetics plays the leading role in a Cavoodle’s growth, several external factors act to influence how big a Cavoodle grows. 


Proper nutrition is crucial. Balanced meals tailored to the Cavoodle’s life stage ensure optimal growth. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, while underfeeding can stunt growth.


Regular, appropriate exercise is vital for muscle development and overall health. However, excessive exercise during the early growth phases can be harmful to developing joints.

Health Conditions

Certain health issues, such as hormonal imbalances or genetic conditions inherited from parent breeds, can impact growth. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor and address these concerns. Before that, getting your Cavoodle from an ethical breeder will help prevent health issues in the first place. 

Parent Breeds

To fully appreciate the Cavoodle’s growth, one must glance at the parental breeds. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel typically weighs between 6 to 8 kg and stands about 30 to 33 cm at the shoulder. In contrast, Poodles come in three sizes – Toy, Miniature, and Standard – with a considerable range in both height and weight. Toy Poodles usually weigh 2 to 3 kg and stand about 25 cm tall, while Miniature Poodles weigh 5 to 7 kg and stand about 28 to 38 cm tall. The Standard Poodle, the largest of the trio, can weigh between 18 to 32 kg and stand between 46 to 60 cm tall.

This genetic diversity explains the variability in Cavoodle sizes. A Cavoodle with a Toy Poodle parent will likely be on the smaller end of the spectrum, whereas those with Miniature Poodle genes might be larger. This comparison is not just a matter of numbers; it’s a window into understanding the delightful unpredictability and range of possibilities within the Cavoodle breed.

Fostering Optimal Growth

Here are some practical tips for ensuring their healthy growth and development:

  • Nutrition: Feed your Cavoodle high-quality dog food appropriate for their age, size, and activity level. Avoid human food and excessive treats, which can lead to weight gain.
  • Exercise: Provide regular, but not excessive, exercise. Daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation are crucial for their physical and emotional well-being.
  • Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary check-ups are essential. Early detection of any growth-related issues can prevent long-term complications.
  • Love and Attention: Cavoodles thrive on love and attention. Positive reinforcement, training, and socialisation will not only promote healthy growth but also foster a well-rounded and happy dog.


These delightful Cavoodles, with their unique sizes and personalities, remind us of the beauty of diversity and the joy of discovery in the canine world. Embrace each Cavoodle’s unique journey, and in doing so, you will not only nurture their growth but also enrich your own life with their boundless love and joy.


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